Hello Everyone. BOTH of us here (Simba and Leo) ……….. We’re VERY, VERY cross. Words fail us. As you can see a BIRD has hacked into our diary.
A BIRD! It probably pecked in, looking at the size of that beak. I suppose it is a bird? Actually, we haven’t seen one like that in our garden, thank goodness. It looks dangerous! Neither of us fancies tackling it. Even Leo with his large incisor. But… how did it happen, we’re asking ourselves.
I think it’s something to do with this lockdown thing. Lockdown is a sort of punishment isn’t it? We get locked down when we’ve done something others don’t like and as it happens that includes bird watching. Birds really are very annoying, noxious, noisy things, aren’t they? They wake me up at 5 am. And the dangerous-looking one in that picture must have eaten an egg because its tail is curling. So, to add to everything else – it’s a CANNIBAL!! (We would never eat a kitten.)
It’s nothing to do with lockdown! (And I wish he wouldn’t keep going on about eggs!) As you can see I have been reading New Scientist and I can tell you definitively: that is not a bird. That is a coronavirus! We need to steer clear of it.
(Simba says I have been shoe-sniffing but of course that’s rubbish. I did try it on for size, though, but it was too big!)
We’re working on it together! In the meantime, we’re having a nap as it has been a taxing day. We’ll be back again soon when we’ve ousted that bird.
Love , Leo and Simba xxx