.Day 9

Hello World! It’s Leo here. At my very best, my very sweetest, as always.

In one of his missives, the White Delight referred to my campaign to ensure readers of this diary were fully aware of my true, and very delightful, nature. In the unlikely event you ever thought I might be grumpy or cynical (I heard there was a grumpy cat somewhere) I thought I would show you a few pictures showing what I have to put up with.

Look carefully at this.

There’s a mouse on my head. A MOUSE! Whoever thought that was a good idea?

They are fixated with putting things on my head. Maybe to protect my possibly fragile brain?

This one is even worse. A red hat. Not my colour!

And.. in case you’re thinking it…. in none of these cases did I inflict an infected bite. I didn’t even bite. Come to that I didn’t even call the RSPCA!

And, if you think the White delight is perfect. Just look at this!

DISGRACEFUL! Not at all graceful in fact. Definite lack of decorum there.


Leo, the GORGEOUS!
