Day 8

Day 8

Text Box:

    Hello Everyone.  Simba here!

I hope you’re all well and managing to avoid that nasty coronavirus thing!  I still haven’t seen one but think it must look like an egg (eggs do peculiar things to your tail, you know, so watch out).

Anyway, as you can see I am sitting in the garden and thinking about life.  And, I’m a bit worried……..

Text Box:    He’s always worried.  He’s a snowflake!  Too much thinking and not enough action, I say.  He should come for a spin around the garden with me sometime, rather than sitting in a flower bed!
He’s always worried. He’s a snowflake! Too much thinking and not enough action, I say. He should come for a spin around the garden with me sometime, rather than sitting in a flower bed!

Another interruption!  How am I ever to release my thoughts onto the world with Leo interrupting me?  Anyway, as I said I am actually rather worried.   I have a big worry, in fact.  That’s on top of all this social distancing stuff, talk of viruses, rationing of kibbles and the house never being empty of creatures. Of course there were always smaller ones like bugs and the odd bee but the bigger ones are constantly there now and they do take up so much space. Actually, while I think about it, do be careful of bees. They sting.

Rambling, isn’t he. (And he does like the word “actually”, doesn’t he?) I wish he’d get to the point, even I’m curious!

Well, I’m worried stiff because Leo is going on what he’s calling a “togetherness” campaign.  Whatever does he mean by that?  He says it’s part of his public relations programme.  I ask you: What’s that when it’s about?  I think it’s because he’s been in a spot of bother for biting too hard and causing an infected bite.    Now I do know what that is because I have had one of those myself (not inflicted by Leo as it happens but by another miscreant invading our garden) and I had to go to the vet.  It was awful because the vet put something called a thermometer INSIDE my tailbase (I shudder at the thought) and said I had a temperature and would need antibiotics.   OH Horror!  I’m OK now, though, so that thermometer thing must have done the trick.

Anyway,  I have discovered that Leo’s “togetherness” campaign involves snuggling up to me for photos – just look at this.  He made me sit on that table (which we all know is forbidden!)

And this is EVEN WORSE

If we were caught, what would have happened? You can see how worried I look while he relaxes behind me. What’s the purpose of this, I ask?

What’s the purpose? To show what a lovely, affectionate and very sweet-natured creature I am. What else?

Grrr See what I have to put up with!

Back tomorrow. Remember, be careful of bees, eggs and anything resembling Leo!

Simba x