Hello Everyone, both of us here. As you can see, we are asleep. Well, we’re pretending to be asleep.
We’re a bit tired and bored and we are lying low.
Leo has been in trouble for an attempted prang and I have been in trouble for vomiting unnecessarily. You’ll remember it’s only OK to vomit after eating grass. Chance would be a fine thing; it has been too cold for going out.
I did not attempt a prang. If I had wanted to prang, I would have done so. I was just practising my boxing skills.
Rubbish! He prangs when he is bored. Anyway, that sea has gone. I think the hippo must have drunk it. Whatever.
It means pesky Maud is back and so are Jordan (the fake me) and the fake Leo. (Maud says his name is Jonathan de Freitas. What sort of name is that for a cat? Imagine the vet calling that out!)
He’s in more trouble now, for using the “v” word. We try not to use it in case it prompts a visit. BUT he does have a point. It’s a very long name. We don’t know what it means. Our names both refer to lions. I don’t look like a lion.
More like this, I feel……..
(Image by Ian Linsday, Pixabay)
Leo has too much white. Same shiftiness about the eyes perhaps….. I don’t like the look of that thing at all. It makes my ears twitch. I’d come in if I saw that thing in the garden. Something else to worry about.
Image from Pixabay
Whatever. I, on the other hand, think I look like this.
Well, that thing is certainly draping itself about the place like the White Delight. How does he do it?
But… its ears are like pompoms. I like those. You could give those a good bite. I wonder if they fall off like the catnips. Probably a design fault. How do they hear with ears like that?
I don’t like the direction of this conversation. Cats called Jonathan de Freitas, hippos drinking water from drains and perhaps even scary black creatures in the garden. And..if Leo is thinking about biting my ears I am going back to my igloo.
Take care and mind that virus thing and anything that looks shifty in your garden.
Simba x