Day 7

Hello  World,  LEO here .  At my very best, I might add.  It’s difficult to get a word in edgeways with the White Delight hovering about, but I managed it. 

I like adding to his diary.  He’s a bit airy fairy, you know.  While he contemplates which heavens came before the 7th and communes with sheep (actually I may have misjudged that one, but more about that later), I am patrolling my garden keeping them all safe.  Now, I’ve tried to keep my whiskers away from this coronavirus thing as it has thrown the White Delight into more of a spin than the sight of an egg (which once made his tail curl in a peculiar way, if you remember).  I have to say I haven’t spotted one  (coronavirus, that is, not egg).  As it’s so ghastly, I thought it would probably look like a dog, but I certainly can’t see one in my garden.  Perhaps it’s too afraid of me to show its face.  I bite, you know.

Anyway, about the sheep.  I received a communication from Bertie (the larger fluffy one to the right of this picture) and he reassured me he is definitely a cat.  I can see that now, of course and I am not afraid to say when I have made a mistake.  Sheep don’t sit like that and he has a tail like no sheep I know (in fact I don’t know a sheep but I have seen pictures). He sent me this picture called “brotherly love”. If you look carefully they are touching.

I wonder exactly what brotherly love is. Leo licks me sometimes, but it makes me nervous in case he bites!
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What rubbish.  He is such a SNOWFLAKE!  (The clue’s in the colour, isn’t it!) I have CATegorically never bitten him.  I am merely cleaning his acres of white fur to help him because it is a difficult colour to keep clean.  And if I have to put my paw on him it’s just to keep him still (he’s a wriggler, you know). Sometimes I need to take a little nibble because he has a burr stuck in his fur.  Take a close look at me. Do I look as if I would ever take a nip out of him? 

