Day 32

Look at it. Just look at it!  It’s windy and wet. You can see all the puddles. We can’t go out. The water’s paw deep….. and the leaves haven’t been swept up. What is going on?

He’s right. What’s going on?  I hear they have been locked down again.  What have they done this time? Last time they went to France where they have all those viruses and dogs and that so-called edible dormouse in a wall. (Why is it a dormouse when it is in a wall. Shouldn’t it be a wall mouse?) Anyway, as far as we can tell, they haven’t been away other than to the flat where we were taken, too.

They must have done something awful to be confined to the house. We’ve been working through the list of sins that could have been committed …… vomiting on the carpet, scratching the sofa and the worst of all, killing a baby rabbit….. you’ll notice these have all been committed by the White Delight

Inflammatory. Totally inflammatory!

Oh my paw! He’s stolen my word, inflammatory. I like that word. I have never seen the White Delight so cross before. Anyway, as I was saying. They don’t tend to vomit on the carpet or scratch the sofa. Perhaps they killed a baby rabbit?

No, I don’t think so. There’s a lot of shrieking even if they see a dead mouse. Anyway, all the baby rabbits have grown up now…..  Personally I think it has to do with that virus thing. What could they have done? Collaborated with it?  Learned to live with it?

….And by the way that rabbit committed suicide. I did not kill it. Overcrowded burrow, you know.

Rabbits committing suicide…. What is he thinking?  He may have a point about the virus, though. Now I think about it, it was in the paper.

And it was on Radio 4 . I listen to that a lot, you know, and it’s always being talked about.

I think we should all take it easy, relax and conserve energy.  I don’t want that virus thing anywhere near me and I’m sure you don’t either. Even Leo doesn’t.

Love Leo and Simba  xxx