Day 30

Look at it


My new Culpepper mouse has a hole in it.

A large hole!

Let’s start this properly. The good news is that pesky edible dormouse has gone (from our blog, that is. Not from the wall). The bad news is Leo’s mouse has a hole in it because he bit it too hard.

NO. It’s a quality issue. I love those Culpepper mice. They are great for training. I find them quite invigorating….but they hole too easily.

Mmm. I don’t play with them myself… they’re filled with drugs, you know, a drug called catnip. That’s why Leo finds them invigorating. If you are reading this and are thinking of playing with one yourself, just be a bit careful. All that sort of thing worries me. Quite a lot actually.

Oh my paw!  The White Delight worries about everything, doesn’t he? Quite recently he was worried in case someone mistook him for a dog (a DOG!) and abducted him.  Now he’s worried about being drugged by catnip. And…. he’s terrified about that virus.  He even keeps his distance from his favourite postperson for fear of being contaminated.

Rubbish. I am just socially distancing. You’re meant to be doing that now.  I heard it on Radio 4 so it must be true.   But I am worried that Leo may become a drug addict.

Inflammatory. Quite inflammatory.  Liking catnip mice does not make you a drug addict!

If he doesn’t stop annoying me, I’ll give him a cat nip.

Oops.  Leo likes that word “inflammatory”. Doesn’t he? Let’s quieten things down. I hope someone buys him a Culpepper mouse for Christmas. He can hole that instead of me!

Love Simba xxxxx

P.S Remember to socially distance. I’m socially distancing from Leo at the moment.