Hello Everyone, Simba here.
I’m not awfully happy today. I was woken very early this morning by a cacophony of noise and I’m tired.
Just look at it. You can tell immediately that it’s a nasty, noxious and noisy thing, can’t you! And it’s not just one, there are SCORES of them of all shapes and sizes in my garden. They are quite small, but they pack a punch when it comes to noise. It makes you realise how quiet and serene we cats are.
And… do you know, there is a whole society dedicated to protecting something like this? What are they thinking?
Not surprising he’s cross! It’s nothing to do with birds. He’s in trouble for killing a baby rabbit. He tries to look so sweet, but underneath it he’s a trained killer. You have no idea what I have to put up with. Would you like to live with a homicidal maniac?
He’s calling me a homicidal maniac! Look at me. Do you believe that? I think I’ve told you before that HIS bites have been recorded in the accident book at the vet.
I’ve learnt over the years there’s no point in arguing with Leo, I’m too tired, anyway. So I shall close my eyes, cover them up and try to block out all interference!