Day 18

Hello World! Leo (The Magnificent) here.

But you knew that, didn’t you.   I thought I would keep you up to date with the goings on today as the White Delight is in one of his spins. He’s convinced his tail has curled in a peculiar way because I fed him an egg. Look at me.  Would I do that? 

Well, he HAS done it! Look at my beautiful tail. It has a kink at the end. How can I go out like this?

Well, he can’t go out like that, can he?  Impossible. He would have to put four paws on the ground and stop sprawling, for a start.

I don’t even think there are any eggs in the house. I gather they have been hard to find in these times of plague, along with flour.  Why is flour needed at all?  It’s some sort of white powder, isn’t it? Very suspicious in my opinion. When I had my “turn” they tried to put white powder on my food after I spat out the tablet. As if I wouldn’t know. Do they think I’m daft?

Anyway, what am I going to do about the White Delight’s tail?

I’ll get him to vomit. He vomits all the time because he gobbles his food.

Oh my paw! It has worked. My dear tail is almost straight again. Back to its lovely fluffy self. I don’t like vomiting, though… and it does rather suggest Leo fed me that egg in the first place!

Sometimes you just can’t win, can you?  I straighten out his tail for him and he’s not at all grateful.  Next time I’ll have to try putting a bit of that flour stuff on his food.  Perhaps it will make his ears curl!  

For the moment, though, I shall bask in the knowledge I have done a good deed.


Leo (the Magnificent)
