Hello Everyone! Simba here. I’m a bit down in the dumps, actually, and I’m hoping you can cheer me up and put my mind at rest.
I’m very worried.
Oh Leo! I wish he wouldn’t interrupt me. We all know he is trained in combat. He is constantly sharpening his claws on anything that comes to paw – trees, logs, carpets, sofas….and just look at how he inspects them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t file his incisor as well. As we all know, it’s very sharp.
Anyway, just look at this
What do you think it is? Do you think this is one of those coronavirus things? I saw it on the hall floor while I was on my way to find a few kibbles (still rationed, you know) and it’s worrying me to death. It doesn’t smell right and it doesn’t look right either. It seems to have snaky-looking protuberances. I have been keeping away from it. It gives me the shivers just to look at it. Ghastly thing isn’t it?
Grrrr. I’m retreating to my igloo for a bit of peace.
Speak again tomorrow.
Simba xxxxx