Day 11

Hello Everyone. Simba here!

As you can see from this picture I’m back in my beloved igloo-  NO BIRD! We’ve ousted it from our website.  It has gone. Verschwunden! Disparu! Actually I don’t know quite how it happened but its offending picture is no longer here and I have regained control.

Regained control? My paw! In fact he doesn’t have control. I have control, but as I am very kind I let him play.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about birds (nasty, noxious noisy things) and as I told you before that they are being fed with fat balls. (Yes, BIRDS are being fed when OUR kibbles are being rationed!) After careful contemplation I now believe they are being fed to make them heavier so they can’t take off and we can catch them more easily. I haven’t caught a bird for a long time now… but perhaps a new career awaits as a pest control officer.

Pest control officer! He can’t even catch a mouse. What will he think of next? I’m bored with the White Delight’s thinking… just look at his picture.. how can he be thinking properly when he’s practically upside down? It must be affecting his brain.

I noticed the fat balls came in a box labelled RSPB. That has something to do with protection of birds. (Though why on earth they should be protected is a mystery, even to me.)

Ouch! Leo can be a bit sharp at times but I take no notice. Talking about sharp, just look at his incisor. I must steer clear of that (and so must you, along with eggs and coronavirus).

Take care and see you tomorrow.


Simba XXX